Thursday, March 27, 2008

Happy Easter!

We spent Easter at Mom and Dad's. The Easter Bunny brought lots of goodies, including Ryan's two bottom front teeth.

Here we are on our way to church.

This is the traditional bunny cake that Mimi and the boys make every year. Matthew was ready to go outside and hunt eggs, and Colby was ready to eat some cake!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Happy 1/2 Birthday, Ryan (& more stuff from the last few weeks)

It's been a while since my last post...I'm clearly not great at this.

First of all.....Ryan was 6 months old on the 14th. It's gone by so fast!

"The Great Stomach Bug of '08" really messed him up. He has developed lactose intolerance, which is hopefully temporary and REFUSES to eat any solids. At daycare, he screams when he sees the bowl and spoon headed his way. At home he clamps his lips shut and gags if I touch a spoon to his lips. I'm trying not to be worried about it...but I'm a Mommy, worrying is what I do best. He was doing great with the solids before, so hopefully we'll catch back up soon. He still takes his bottle (with soy formula) just fine and he is obviously not starving.

Here are some pictures from Friday, his 1/2 birthday.

"Hey, my new kicks!"
"Dad, why do ya'll take so many pictures of me in the bathroom?"

"Um...Colb...does Mommy know you're doing that?"

"'re soooo funny!"
We went to Mom and Dad's on Saturday (after the egg hunt...see below) and spent the day with my Mammaw and Aunt June.
Here's some video from Saturday. (yea...I've figured out how to post video...hopefully).

Saturday morning, Mimi came with us to the Annual Easter Egg Hunt at my Dad's office. Matthew was only 2 months old the first time we attended and it was COLD!!! We've been almost every year since. This year the weather was BEAUTIFUL!!

Matthew found a "prize" egg this year and won this huge basketball themed Easter basket. He was very, very excited.

I thought it was cooler out that it was and these were the only long-sleeved matching shirts we had. These guys are cute in anything...but not so Eastery in camo.
I have to share one last picture. This is a couple of Fridays ago (the 8th, I believe). We woke up to SNOW. We were up, dressed and outside by about 6:45. Fortunately (or unfortunately...depends on who you ask) the roads were clear so we still had school. The snow was gone before lunchtime.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

15 Minutes of Fame

This picture was taken at the A&M / Baylor game last night. It's a little hard to see (click on pic to see it larger), but the guy in the A&M shirt and hat shown jumping over the railing just happens to be MY HUSBAND!!

Long story short...

A BU fan threw a mini basketball down on the court. When the fans below turned to see who threw it, everyone turned and blamed the two Aggie students . The bald guy (who was sitting 20 rows below and couldn't have possibly seen who did it) ran up the stairs and began cussing out the two guys. All the Baylor fans around that hadn't actually seen what happened began screaming at these two guys. At this point Matt jumps the railing to tell Mr. Baldy (who happens to be a well-known attorney) to chill out because the guys didn't do it. Mr. Baldy becomes even more irate and gets in Matt's face, cussing and being a complete idiot. The police came over and escorted the Aggie fans out (the cops said they knew they didn't do it, but felt that it was safer to remove them from the situation.

So, Matt gets to work today to find this picture (and ones like it) posted all over the Internet on various BU and A&M fan sites and

Here are a couple of pictures that were edited on

The first post in the link below tells the story. Be sure to click on page 1 in the top right corner to see the original post. There are a few references to "Big Aggie" throughout the thread.

Tonight, Matt is pictured on the front page of, but I'm sure that will be changed soon (surely there's something more news worthy going on). If it's gone when you check it, here's the picture that was the main news story for most of the day today.

Here is the link to the Bear Blog that has some discussion of the incident. Matt would want me to point out the first comment that refers to "a well-built A&M fan":)

It's been fun watching this explode today, but I think Matt is ready for the incident to blow over so he can return to his normal life. Fame is really taking its toll on him ;)

Programs, Princess Parties, Poop & More Poop

Tuesday morning we attended the 4th six weeks awards program at Matthew's school. He won the "Hustle Award" for always showing up enthusiastic and ready to work. We were very, very proud of him.

Today is Mimi's birthday, but we had an early celebration Tuesday night (she babysat while Matt and I went to a bank function). Colby suggested a princess party. Since I probably won't get the opportunity to plan many princess themed parties, I ran with it. Here is a picture of her highness (notice the lovely tiara) doing what she does best.

Ryan FINALLY seems to be over his stomach bug, but he's had quite a "poopy" week! I'll spare you the details.

In other poop news, Colby has decided that he will not go on the potty, because "someone might smell it". Oh my!

Monday, March 3, 2008


Parenting 101: No dessert if you don't eat your dinner.

This is a rule that every parent knows, right?

I repeat this at least once a day. However, it seems that tonight Colby ate two cherry tomatoes and a handful of M&M's for dinner.

Ry was fussy, so I was dealing with him while Matt and the big boys ate. Once I got him to bed, I started clearing the table. Matthew's plate was completely clean (as usual...I have no idea how the boy is so darn skinny). Colby's plate was exactly as I'd made it except for the missing tomatoes from his salad.

Matt was completely clueless that Colby hadn't eaten. The child was sitting right next to him! I guess he was on auto-pilot and when Matthew chose a treat from his Valentine basket, Colby did, too.

Some days I think Matt needs to re-read the instruction manual these kids came with!