Monday, November 24, 2008

Isabella Grace

Yes, I'm more than a week late with the official announcement, but here it is:

Isabella Grace
November 13, 2008
6:17 p.m.
8 lbs 5 oz
20 inches

...and absolutely PERFECT!!

Pictures from my 1st meeting with Isabella....

Can you say....SPOILED ROTTEN!

Izzie and Mommy getting ready to go home
...after a few pictures, of course.

The Duncan girls....Look out we come!

Amy, Trey and Isabella are on their own now after a week of being cared for by the world's best Mom (aka Mimi). I was beginning to worry that she wasn't coming back and I think Trey and Amy tried to bribe her to stay longer, but apparently she still has to work (especially now that she has a granddaughter to spoil!).
They seem to be doing well. Amy was excited yesterday when I talked to her because she got three straight hours of sleep...I do not miss those days! Several have asked me if this makes me want a girl and just to clear up any questions, the answer is officially, definitely, without a doubt...NO! I am perfectly content being the only princess in my house!

Isabella's first big car ride will be this weekend, when they come to Mom and Dad's. There are three little boys I know that are very excited to meet their cousin, and I'm doing everything I can to make sure our snotty noises are clear by then. :)

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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Monday, November 3, 2008

Did anyone see where October went?

Once again, it's been over a month since my last post. From time to time my sister-in-law does a "From my camera this week" post on her blog, so here's what's on my camera this month:

Ryan "slid" into October as a big boy instead of a baby.
4 Hale men in a tee pee:

Here's an attempt at a picture of my three little "angels". Ryan does NOT like to share his wagon!Fall Festival at Mimi's school. "Colby...I said GET OUT!"
Matthew and Colby-Colb on the train ride.
Pop doing what he does best.
It was bound to happen sooner or later.....Colby fell in the pond.

Trunk or Treat 2008 at church:
Captain Jack Sparrow with his buddy, Colton.

You will never believe who made a surprise stop on the campaign trail......
Pumpkin Patch Parade at the boys' preschool.

My brave little soldier had a major meltdown!

Pumpkin carving at the Hale's.

All I can say about this picture is..notice the TWO lovely new crowns!

Typical Matthew and Colby....seconds before this picture was snapped Colby was having a meltdown and refused to look at the camera. Matthew was hollering, "COLBY LOOK AT MOM!!!" Miraculously, the instant I took the picture, Colby flashed his angelic little smile.

Halloween 2008: Mommy's little goblins we come! Stay tuned for news of Isabella's could be any day now.
Tomorrow is election day........VOTE!!!

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