Thursday, May 15, 2008

I'm still about you?

This time of year is so crazy! The last few weeks have been quite busy in the Hale house. Some of the most notable happenings.....Matthew lost his first two teeth, Colby is POTTY TRAINED, and Ryan turned 8 months old and decided he can only be held by me.

I'm so ready for a break, but we have a few more weeks of this hecticness (is that a word?). T-ball is almost over and school will be out soon. Then, we'll be able to relax a little (maybe). Here are some pics of the boys doing their things over the past week or so.

Ryan enjoying a baseball game on t.v. He was perfectly happy until he saw me.

"My family is CRAZY"

Colby's spring musical at school. The little boy in the red is his "best buddy" Jacob.

He loves his "undies like Daddy's" (I know...too much information!). I'm having technical difficulties tonight and can't rotate this picture.

Toothless in Texas
(It's hard to tell in this picture, but he is missing two bottom teeth)

...and the best for last. Isn't this a great picture? Check out the tongue. Thanks, Niki, for capturing this shot of our little slugger.
Speaking of t-ball, Matthew hit his first home run in his game Tuesday. It was very exciting!

Instead of proof reading this, I'm just going to hit publish and hit the sack.

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Taylor said...

Yay, an update...Jasmine would be so jealous. She wants to lose a tooth so bad she can't stand it!

realitymomma said...

ok, i finally updated my blog as well. go check it out. cute pics, did not know colby was potty trained. what a big boy! (at least you did not post a pic of both of them in their "undies")

the next two weeks will fly!