After following an increasing number of blogs the last year or so, I'm going to give this blogging thing a try. I hope that you will check back often as we "raise a little HALE" (actually 3 little Hales). :)
I'll start with an update on "the boys":
My sweet Matthew turned 6 in January, but due to his basketball schedule, we just had his party this past weekend....a sleepover with six of his friends. I must admit that I was DREADING this party, but it was so great. The boys were hilarious and very well behaved. A big, big thank you to my dear, sweet, wonderful sister who came up from Seguin to help me and to my Mom who took the little boys for the night (I really had to twist her arm). Matt was hog hunting in South time I'll check with him BEFORE I send out invitations!
Colby is Colby, as I always say. He is just so little clown. He is the comic relief we need in our busy life. One day last week, he insisted on eating spinach for breakfast, so I put some baby spinach and ranch in his bowl...and he ate every bit of it. Then he ate his pop tart and yogart.
Baby Ryan turned 5 months on the 14th. No teeth yet...but I'm convinced he's going to wake up soon with a whole mouth full! He's finally decided that he likes to eat baby food fruits and veggies. He has discovered his tongue and his toes this past month, and usually tries to put his toes in his mouth. He especially likes to be held and cuddled and since he's the last baby I'm having (knock on wood), we hold him as much as possible. Here's a picture of our normal morning routine. He sits in his bouncy on the bathroom counter while I get ready (I promise...only while I'm standing right next to him). We have lots of great conversations in that mirror!

One more thing for today...
Is there anything better than babies in footy p.j.'s?